The Prince Resources


Tropes Ahoy!

If TV is the only thing that helps you understand scribbles on dead trees, we have you covered.

Don't Pee Your Pants, Niccolò

There was a whole TV series about the Borgias. Get the popcorn!

Movie or TV Productions

Video Games are Movies You Can Play

Machiavelli shows up in Assassin's Creed talking about, you guessed it, Borgia.

Biographical Film

This movie is all about Machiavelli. Finally, he'll get the love he deserves.


2Pac and Machiavelli

We think the title speaks for itself.

It's a Bad Rap

Salman Rushdie clears Machiavelli's name.

A Tribute

Three minutes of vaguely political photos and quotes from Machiavelli set to the theme from The Dark Knight. What's not to love?


Thirty Minutes in Heaven

Listen to Cambridge Professor Quintin Skinner Drop knowledge on The Prince.

Philosophy and Rock and Roll

Professor Robert Harrison of Stanford tells us about Machiavelli and reality.


The Man

Machiavelli never doesn't look crafty.

Bad Hair Day

This was a really unflattering portrait of Machiavelli… sorry, Nic.

La Bella Italia

We hear Florence is gorgeous this time of year.