Stargirl Character Quotes
MoreStargirl Character Quotes
Leo Borlock Quotes
Leo Leo Leo. We may love our narrator and protagonist, but sometimes he makes it pretty hard. At the start of the novel, he's your average high school junior. But by the end of the novel, he has be...
Stargirl Caraway Quotes
Here's a heads up: much of this novel is an attempt to define Stargirl, and therein lies the problem. This is a girl who absolutely cannot be boxed in, pigeonholed, or tied up with a pretty little...
A.H. (Archibald Hapwood) Brubaker, a.k.a. Archie Quotes
Fossil PhilosopherArchie, the neighborhood wise man and resident cool old guy, is a retired paleontologist. For those not in the know, that means that he studies fossils. Well, no wonder his home i...
Kevin Quinlant Quotes
Kevin is Leo's best friend, although at times, we can't help but wonder why.They both arrived in Arizona four years ago during the very same week, and since then, they have been buddies. Leo states...
Hillari Kimble Quotes
Ladies and Gentlemen, may we introduce the Evil Queen of Mica High: Hillari Kimble. Okay, maybe we're being a bit harsh, but really, Hillari is just plain not nice. It is only moments after Stargir...
Mica High Students Quotes
Sure, we're talking about hundreds of kids here, but for the most part, the whole student body at Mica High acts as one character. There are very few leaders in this group, and when one does emerge...
Mr. McShane Quotes
Mr. McShane is the faculty representative to the State oratorical contest. He drives Stargirl and Leo to the competition in Phoenix. His random trivia about the Moa, an extinct bird, gives Stargirl...