The Story of an Hour Character Quotes
MoreThe Story of an Hour Character Quotes
Mrs. Louise Mallard Quotes
Mrs. Mallard is the character we know the most about by far. Of course, that's not saying much. She's the protagonist, the center of attention, and the person around whom all the other characters...
Mr. Brently Mallard Quotes
For much of the story we think Mr. Mallard is dead. He doesn't appear in person until the end, and even then we don't know that much about him. Instead, we learn more about Mr. Mallard from the rea...
Josephine Quotes
We don't know that much about Josephine – we don't even know her last name. She's Mrs. Mallard's sister, that we know for sure. Other than that, there's not a whole lot that we're certain of. Fo...
Richards Quotes
In a story that focuses so much on time – on what can happen in an hour and how much a person can change in a short period of time – it's interesting that Richards's identifying characteristic...