The Giver Jonas Quotes


Quote 13

Jonas nodded. The man was wrinkled, and his eyes, though piercing in their unusual lightness, seemed tired. The flesh around them was darkened into shadowed circles.

"I can see that you are very old," Jonas responded with respect. The Old were always given the highest respect. (10.36-37)

If the Old have no memories or wisdom, why are they so highly respected? Are they truly respected?


Quote 14

Jonas frowned. "But my parents must have had parents! I never thought about it before. Who are my parents-of-the-parents? Where are they? (16.26)

Lowry's narrative technique is fascinating in that we, the reader, often make discoveries at the same time that Jonas does. Until this passage, we probably didn't think about the fact that Jonas didn't seem to have grandparents either.


Quote 15

Jonas blurted out what he was feeling. "I was thinking that…well, I can see that it wasn't a very practical way to live with the Old right there in the same place, where maybe they wouldn't be well taken care of, the way they are now, and that we have a better-arranged way of doing things. But anyway, I was thinking, I mean feeling, actually, that it was kind of nice, then. And that I wish we could be that way, and that you could be my grandparent. The family in the memory seemed a little more – " He faltered, not able to find the word he wanted. (16.47)

Jonas recognizes the value not only in family, but in forming close relationships with the elderly. In many ways, The Giver is like a grandparent to him: he passes down wisdom to the younger generation.