

How to Homeschool

Homeschooling Approaches

There are as many ways to approach homeschooling as there are to skin a cat.Actually, we hope there are more. We really don't like thinking about skinning cats. One way to do it (back to talking ab...

Homeschooling the Early Years

Betty down the street swears that a video series and three hours of one-on-one tutoring a day taught her two year old to read and define everyday words like "onomatopoeia" and " tax deduction." The...

Homeschooling High School

Whether it's college, career, or travel, by the time they finish high school, we want to make sure that our children are prepared to tackle their next adventures—adventures that will likely take...

Keeping a Portfolio

Most parents keep some form of a portfolio for their kids, whether they realize it or not. That shoebox full of art projects? The file cabinet drawer with stories, essays, and pictures? All those w...

Creating a Transcript

So you've decided to homeschool through high school, and you're wondering how on earth to keep track of and present your child's coursework and other pursuits for the time when you'll need them for...

Keeping it Legal

Homeschooling is a do-what-you-want kind of thing, right? No laws? No rules? Just funsies with the fam?Um, no. Although we want to see that movie.To make sure that homeschooling programs are still...

Applying to College

As the number of homeschoolers in the U.S. has grown—from an estimated 1.7% of the student population in 1999 to an estimated 3.4% in 2012 (source)—colleges have begun to include information fo...