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Choose the best alternative to the text below.came to be born
Choose the best alternative to the text below.deduce the advance
Choose the best alternative to the text below.gone long
ACT Aspire English: Revising for Clarity 7 Views
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came to be born
- 00:03
All right Literacy seeking shmoop er's here we go Second
- 00:07
twelve on the music industry and we're going to focus
- 00:10
on technology forever changing it kind of for the worst
- 00:14
Probably But here we go Here's goes difficult to imagine
- 00:18
and people living down the street from the internet infective
Full Transcript
- 00:20
Two years ago the internet itself was unimaginable except perhaps
- 00:23
to an elite few who knew that such a thing
- 00:25
is possible Remember we've changed that in the last question
- 00:28
but the internet came to be born and it has
- 00:32
since revolutionized the music industry For better or for worse
- 00:35
i came to be born That just sounds weird people
- 00:38
That sounds strange like it's a barbara strikes and movie
- 00:43
All right Well as written the underlines portion is gordy
- 00:47
and awkward kind of like we are here Totally awesome
- 00:51
for movie sidekicks to be weird and wordy You know
- 00:53
in the eighties not so much for the aspire english
- 00:56
assessment that wants you to talk all fancy That's the
- 01:00
point of the sentences to say that the internet did
- 01:02
in fact come into existence and it revolutionized the music
- 01:05
industry The phrase came to fruition means came into existence
- 01:12
which is a wonderful coincidence and also happens to be
- 01:15
the correct answer To say that the internet came makes
- 01:19
it sound kind of dirty like it arrived after a
- 01:22
long trip out of town Maybe yeah maybe that's better
- 01:24
And since the sentence later says revolutionized while the verb
- 01:29
we're looking for is in the past and not past
- 01:32
continuous as in was coming So get rudy is well
- 01:36
there for the right answer here yet it came to
- 01:38
fruition and has since revolutionize Yeah gotta people stealing music
- 01:44
Yeah that's what happens
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