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Public Policy Videos 15 videos
AP U.S. Government 1.1 Public Policy. Which federal initiative provided health care assistance to people over 65?
AP U.S. Government 1.2 Public Policy. Which federal initiative outlawed housing discrimination?
AP U.S. Government 1.3 Public Policy. Future funding for Social Security is threatened by what?
AP U.S. Government 1.5 Public Policy 176 Views
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AP U.S. Government 1.5 Public Policy. Fiscal policy...what?
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Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop du jour
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Brought to you by fish eagle policy law of the
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sea fiscal policy Uh what And here potential answers way
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stretched on the fish girl thing but you try to
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make jokes out of fiscal really hard All right a
Full Transcript
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lot of utilizing going on here anyone has ideas Okay
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well here we go Ever since the great depression the
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government's played up pretty well great role in the economy
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This sort of top bill award winning performance involves two
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different pieces Monetary policy and fiscal policy Will this fiscal
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policy a utilized interest rates and the money supply Well
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that sounds more like monetary policy which is set by
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the federal reserve and involves managing interest rates bond purchases
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and the flow of cash money into the economy by
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adjusting interest rates The federal reserve which is our nation's
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central bank can affect people's willingness to borrow and lend
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money which could help stimulate the economy and slow times
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or slow down spending in high times Same goes for
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control over the money supply which basically means how many
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of those dollars dollar bills y'all are printed and circulated
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At any given moment it's off the federal reserve is
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controlling monetary policy who's calling the shots on fiscal policy
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well fiscal policy is set that is if they can
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agree by congress and the president Every year the president
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sends a budget to congress outlining to major goal how
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the government will spend its money and where the government
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will get its money Some government spending like social security
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and medicare is mandatory meaning the government has to make
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the payments each year Some spending though is discretionary meaning
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that lawmakers have some say over who gets how much
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what when where now where does all this money come
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from No not george washington's wouldn't tooth fairy it comes
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from taxes each year the government collects taxes on individuals
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and businesses in orderto help fund government spending But a
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big part of fiscal policy is determining just how high
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or low those tax rates will be So if fiscal
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policy involves government spending levels and tax rates that makes
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e the right answer right there politicians tend to make
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a whole bunch of promises when they're running for office
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but when it comes to the grim reality of deciding
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our nation's fiscal policy Well they really have to put 00:02:21.655 --> [endTime] taxpayers money where their mouth is
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