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Fractions and Decimals Videos 17 videos
Worried about adding and subtracting fractions? Never fear. It's so easy that it will only take up a fraction of your time: just use multiplication...
Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers 13103 Views
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Meet our gang of fraction friends: proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers. Learn how to convert improper fractions to and from mixed numbers. Warning: even though some of these numbers may be tiny, they’ve got big personalities.
- 00:04
Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers, a la Shmoop.
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Numbers come in all shapes and sizes.
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Some are big...
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...and some are little...
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Some are whole...
Full Transcript
- 00:12
...and others are a bit fractured.
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As far as fractions go, it's a mixed bag.
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Some fractions are proper...
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...some are improper...
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...and then there are those that are just a little mixed up.
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Proper fractions have a numerator that's smaller than the denominator.
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Which means they're always less than 1.
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Proper fractions also donate to charities and volunteer in soup kitchens.
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They know they're not greater than anyone else around them.
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Improper fractions, on the other hand, are a little full of themselves.
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They've got big heads... well, big numerators, anyway.
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In improper fractions, the numerator is bigger than the denominator...
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...which means they're greater than 1.
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Since fractions aren't supposed to be greater than 1, we call these guys improper.
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They're a bit on the rude side.
- 01:05
But if they get on our nerves...
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... we can change them into mixed numbers.
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Mixed numbers are combinations of whole numbers and fractions...
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... so they may be a bit confused at times.
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Maybe they're going through an identity crisis or something, we don't really know.
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We can change improper fractions into mixed numbers
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by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
- 01:27
That's what fractions are, right? Division.
- 01:31
We'll end up with a number and a remainder.
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The number is the whole number in front,
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and the remainder goes in the numerator of the fraction that follows it.
- 01:45
If we're sick of being mixed up by mixed numbers...
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... we can change them back into improper fractions, too.
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Since we divided to change them, let's multiply to change them back.
- 01:55
First, we multiply the denominator by the whole number.
- 01:58
Once we find that product, we add it to the numerator of our mixed number's fraction.
- 02:03
Then, we put that number all over the original denominator...
- 02:08 get our improper fraction.
- 02:10
So in the end, mixed numbers and improper fractions
- 02:12
can express the same number 2 different ways.
- 02:15
It's up to you to decide which is better: improper... or mixed.
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