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ACT Reading: Humanities Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following best describes the main purpose of this passage?
ACT Reading: Social Science Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. According to Freud, how were dreams understood in what he refers to as the "prescienti...
SAT Reading 1.3 Sentence Completion 192 Views
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SAT Reading Sentence Completion Drill 1, Problem 3
- 00:03
When you shmoop upon a star...
- 00:06
Which words could fill in the blank so that
- 00:08
the sentence below makes sense?
- 00:10
Though astronomers once thought that there was a fixed number of stars in the universe,
- 00:14
we now know that the number far blank earlier estimates and continues to grow even now.
Full Transcript
- 00:19
And here are the potential answers...
- 00:23
This sentence gives us two major clues: people no longer believe that the universe contains
- 00:27
a fixed number of stars, and those big balls of super-heated gas
- 00:32
....uh, these big balls of super-heated gas keep on multiplying like
- 00:36
space rabbits.
- 00:38
So whatever word goes into the blanks has got to get across the idea that there are
- 00:41
way more stars than scientists originally thought.
- 00:44
"Outperforms" doesn't fit because it means that something does better than something else.
- 00:50
"Expands" means that something gets bigger,
- 00:52
so it doesn't work in this sentence either.
- 00:55
If you plugged "exceeds" into this sentence,
- 00:57
it would mean that the number of stars has increased.
- 01:00
This is our number one contender so far.
- 01:02
(D) doesn't work because "overbears" means that something dominates something else.
- 01:07
Nothing about an increase in numbers here.
- 01:09
"Relinquishes" describes when somebody gives something up, so we say no to (E).
- 01:14
And that brings us back to (C).
- 01:16
As in, "Correctomundo."
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