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SAT Reading: Defining the Word "Posture" in President Eisenhower's Speech 0 Views
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This SAT Reading video goes over the meaning of "posture" within Eisenhower's farewell address.
- 00:01
All right more like Here we go as using long
- 00:04
seventy four way down their posture most nearly means what
- 00:08
Line seventy four and we're cruising down there now akin
- 00:11
to and largely bundle for the sweeping changes in our
- 00:13
industrial military posture has been a technical revolution during recent
Full Transcript
- 00:15
decades Ok we've had a different way of approaching the
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military of thinking about arming ourselves and well so we
- 00:22
have a different postural about it All right What the
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word posture normally refers to how straight or slumped over
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a spine is but not in this case the industrial
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military complex doesn't need to stand up straight steady Eisenhower
- 00:35
uses the word in reference to the sweeping changes that
- 00:39
have happened in the field He just spent a few
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paragraphs talking about how the military is bigger and more
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powerful than ever before so he must be using the
- 00:47
term to describe its current state or its status That's
- 00:51
it's buying posture that military industrial complex is one of
- 00:55
the u s achievements but ike's not saying there have
- 00:58
been changes in our achievements Eisenhower does warren about the
- 01:01
dangerous imbalance but it doesn't say that it's already happened
- 01:04
It just could happen The country's attitude is definitely changing
- 01:08
and that's bob dylan and right right around then when
- 01:10
you came to be But this word it's more about
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how we're feeling and doesn't take into account all of
- 01:15
the physical growth like ex been yammering on about thus
- 01:19
far in the speech So that's it The answer is 00:01:22.015 --> [endTime] status There you go baby
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