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Determining central ideas and themes Videos 4 videos
The passage theme. What's it all about? Thoreau wants simplicity in life. ("Simplify, simplify.") The world is overly complex, materialistic. A mov...
More SAT Reading videos on the land of Eisenhower. We know you want to click play asap.
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Identifying the Central Idea in President Eisenhower's Speech 36 Views
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More SAT Reading videos on the land of Eisenhower. We know you want to click play asap.
- 00:03
all right next question in the land of Eisenhower alright batter up what is the
- 00:07
central idea of the third aircraft line 1949 [text on screen]
- 00:11
let's just cruise back here and see if we can skim and kind of have a clue
- 00:15
crises there will continue to be any of them every condition feels like a
- 00:18
concoction contractile solutions all currently viewed increase in New Orleans
Full Transcript
- 00:21
or defensive Ellis program stir every Agriculture dramatic expansion basic
- 00:24
Applied Research these in many other possibilities he possibly promising
- 00:25
itself because guess it's the way the road we would do it well the second
- 00:29
sentence up here right here this one sums Eisenhower's central idea perfectly
- 00:34
he says the u.s. is inclined to spend a lot of money on things that seem like [writing on chalkboard]
- 00:39
perfect solutions but that it's a temptation like blast temptation of the
- 00:44
you know who the choice of the word temptation here implies that well I just
- 00:49
doesn't think all these solutions should be accepted at face value if you don't [president in a lab coat]
- 00:54
believe us we'll check out the next paragraph you know right in here it's
- 00:57
like show me baby Eisenhower is a fan of technology he mentions numerous [writing on chalkboard]
- 01:01
innovations and calls them all possibly promising that's not the same as saying
- 01:06
they're definitely the solution yeah he's urging balance like also mentioned [president in toga]
- 01:11
several areas being funded but he does it to give examples of costly actions
- 01:16
that may or may not be as helpful as they seem and so the answer is D many [text on screen]
- 01:21
different costly and complicated solutions are put forward during a
- 01:24
crisis it's like the guy falling off the cliff he'll grab it in [man hanging off cliff]
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