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Expression of Ideas Videos 47 videos
What's the whole essay about? How does time control or matter to the essay as a whole?
This SAT Writing video goes over an analysis of producers, suppliers and manufacturers on clean energy. Pretty cool huh!
Did Washington ever get lonely? Watch this SAT Writing video on solitude to find out.
SAT Writing & Language: Selecting an Effective Topic Sentence for a Paragraph 9 Views
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This SAT Writing video goes over an analysis of producers, suppliers and manufacturers on clean energy. Pretty cool huh!
- 00:02
all right shmoopers on 9 of 11 you know we
- 00:05
know you can't wait to get done with
- 00:06
this either all right question which
- 00:11
well this paragraphs about how the
- 00:13
Institute will create teams for its [paragraph appears]
Full Transcript
- 00:16
projects so as we well know there's no I
- 00:19
in team it's all about collaboration in [team all putting hands in circle]
- 00:21
this case it's about collaboration
- 00:23
between producers suppliers and
- 00:25
manufacturers or maybe it's among them
- 00:28
either way they all get included while
- 00:30
it may be true that the Institute has
- 00:32
connections across those three realms
- 00:34
those connections are less relevant to
- 00:36
the paragraph than what the Institute is
- 00:37
doing with the connections there's no
- 00:39
mention of luxury cars in the rest of [man with briefcase steps out of car]
- 00:41
the paragraph so positioning it as the
- 00:43
reason for collaboration misguides the
- 00:45
reader there's also no mention of
- 00:47
private investors or really any
- 00:49
investors for that matter like where did
- 00:50
that come from so let's keep the facts
- 00:52
straights only about what's in the prose
- 00:54
so the answer is a to facilitate
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