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Texas EOC English 1: 1.3 Revision 182 Views
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Want to pull an Oliver Twist and ask us for more? We've gotcha covered. Click on the link for more Texas EOC goodness. Porridge not included.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in on here's Your shmoop du
- 00:06
jour brought to you by elektronik Waste seems like a
- 00:09
waste of power We ask us All right check the
- 00:13
following passage All right wear mumbling their toxic chemicals in
- 00:19
a mercury died Prospected damage of marine le safe manner
Full Transcript
- 00:23
recycling I mean drop up batteries Okay here we go
- 00:30
adding which of these after sentence eight would best improve
- 00:34
the transition between paragraph two and paragraph three and here
- 00:37
the potential answers all right Well to find the best
- 00:41
transition sentence we have to bridge the main ideas of
- 00:44
the two paragraphs So paragraph two introduces the idea that
- 00:48
computer waste contains hazardous chemicals in paragraph three describes that
- 00:54
health effects these chemicals can have Well whatever sentence we
- 00:57
choose has toe work like those little red flags that
- 01:00
tour guides hold in the air to keep the herds
- 01:02
from getting lost Well if we pick the right flag
- 01:05
they'll follow us anywhere Option d gives us a useful
- 01:09
comparison since most people know about the pollution from cars
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and don't know about the pollution from elektronik waste this
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fact can help us understand just how bad the problem
- 01:20
of electronic waste pollution is However this sense doesn't do
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much to directly link us to the next idea is
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like a well made bridge that's missing the last quarter
- 01:28
mile not very useful in a situation that has a
- 01:31
tendency to cause us we'll put it your horrible disasters
- 01:36
answer c doesn't work because it tells us stuff we
- 01:38
already know by this point paragraph two has already gone
- 01:40
into plenty of detail about the nasty chemicals that dead
- 01:43
computers releases they decomposed This may sound bad but when
- 01:47
the computers turn into zombies will have a whole other
- 01:49
problem on our hands Choice a doesn't work because there's
- 01:53
been no mention of animals so far suddenly focusing solely
- 01:56
on animals would feel like a complete left turn If
- 01:59
we use this sense is a transition It would be
- 02:01
a renaissance and looks walking through our living room on
- 02:04
second thought This might not be weird for alaskans but
- 02:07
it's weird for us The correct answer is b this
- 02:10
ends safely guides us from one paragraph to the next
- 02:12
by telling us that these evil chemicals cause danger to
- 02:15
both people and animals Now we're all set to hear
- 02:18
about the awful things that can happen to us when
- 02:20
computers air disposed of improperly maybe it's not the most
- 02:23
exciting way to spend the next twenty seconds of our
- 02:25
lives but we guess it's important stuff to know you 00:02:28.32 --> [endTime] know just to be on the safe side
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