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Pay close attention and see if you can define "meticulously."
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Summarize the main idea of the following selection about women during WWII.
Texas EOC English 2: 1.1 Understanding and Analysis Across Genres 247 Views
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Texas EOC English 2: Understanding and Analysis across Genres Drill 1, Problem 1
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your shmoop du
- 00:05
jour Brought to you by doctors We were told to
- 00:08
avoid stress So we stopped opening our medical bills We're
- 00:13
reading I only mention men and john last gramps All
- 00:19
right we're done reading We can infer from the passage
Full Transcript
- 00:21
that john the narrator's husband believes that what and hear
- 00:25
the potential answers suffering faking Well the second paragraph gives
- 00:31
us most of the clues we need to crack this
- 00:32
one So if we had to do another quick skim
- 00:34
now's the time you know what they're up to All
- 00:37
right well we can begin by crossing d off a
- 00:40
list Narrator never says that her husband thinks she's faking
- 00:43
an illness to get attention In fact faking an illness
- 00:46
seems like a lot of work We want extra attention
- 00:48
Just yell a bit flavor on right option b is
- 00:52
pretty easy to eliminate as well Narrator specifically complained about
- 00:55
the fact that john won't let her world he thinks
- 00:58
a little work would actually help her get better if
- 01:00
she wants to come Feelinit shmoop she's welcome narrating these
- 01:04
videos really exhausting yourself Option is the last to go
- 01:07
The narrator specifically says that her husband the doctor doesn't
- 01:10
think she's sick at all So dr john and choice
- 01:12
eh don't agree Whoever dr john does agree with choice
- 01:16
See john has diagnosed his wife with temporary nervous depression
- 01:21
and slight historical tendencies Meanwhile she's diagnosed him with being 00:01:25.381 --> [endTime] a jerk
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