Even if your work is never the subject of glorious fanfare on the Paris runway, you can still make clothes and people will buy them—which is awesome.
Do you know how many people in this world are condemned to buying cheap, badly-fitting, throwaway junk because they lack the time, talent, and/or inclination to create and sew their own clothes? Well, that's basically every person on Earth, but you—you there (hey)—proudly stand apart from the unfashionable herd.
You can whip together a stunning baptismal gown for your sister's best friend's daughter's new baby in a matter of hours. You can run up an extraordinary Halloween costume for your significant other with nothing but a piece of felt and some sequins.
You haven't stepped foot inside a department store in years, and why would you? You have the vision and the skills to make your own wardrobe, and Nordstrom doesn't carry it.