Bell Curve
Bell Curve
As a newbie technical writer, you're tasked with writing a portion of an operations manual for a new jetliner. Unfortunately, you make some mistakes in your section, the project manager doesn't catch your errors, and pilots everywhere cease to find the skies very friendly.
As a freelance technical writer, you produce documentation for lots of different products. After one too-long night at the computer, you accidentally post an FAQ on how to operate an imaginary deadly weapon to the Red Ryder BB Gun customer support forum. Your contract is promptly terminated.
You produce all of the promotional materials for the Ronco Pocket Fisherman. Too bad you hate to fish.
While writing the user documentation for Google's self-driving car, you pitch an idea for self-writing documentation. Google thinks this idea is awesome, and you're immediately named head of the new Self-Writing Documentation department. You earn a hefty salary and employ dozens of minions, all of whom wish they were you.