The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra: Act 3, Scene 5 Translation

A side-by-side translation of Act 3, Scene 5 of The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra from the original Shakespeare into modern English.

  Original Text

 Translated Text

  Source: Folger Shakespeare Library

Enter Enobarbus and Eros.

ENOBARBUS How now, friend Eros?

EROS There’s strange news come, sir.

ENOBARBUS What, man?

EROS Caesar and Lepidus have made wars upon
Pompey. 5

ENOBARBUS This is old. What is the success?

EROS Caesar, having made use of him in the wars
’gainst Pompey, presently denied him rivality,
would not let him partake in the glory of the action;
and, not resting here, accuses him of letters he had 10
formerly wrote to Pompey; upon his own appeal
seizes him. So the poor third is up, till death enlarge
his confine.

The plot thickens in Athens, as Enobarbus and Eros let us in on how deep the treachery runs. Caesar used Lepidus’s forces to defeat Pompey, but denied him his share of the spoils of the battle. Further, Caesar has accused Lepidus of siding with Pompey, and has imprisoned him and taken his share of the triumvirate’s power.

Then, world, thou hast a pair of chaps, no more,
And throw between them all the food thou hast, 15
They’ll grind the one the other. Where’s Antony?

He’s walking in the garden, thus, and spurns
The rush that lies before him; cries “Fool Lepidus!”
And threats the throat of that his officer
That murdered Pompey. 20

ENOBARBUS Our great navy’s rigged.

For Italy and Caesar. More, Domitius:
My lord desires you presently. My news
I might have told hereafter.

ENOBARBUS ’Twill be naught, 25
But let it be. Bring me to Antony.

EROS Come, sir.

They exit.

Caesar has also had some shady dealings in getting an officer of Lepidus’s to murder Pompey, which Antony is furious about. Antony prepares his naval fleet to battle Caesar in Rome.