Book of Deuteronomy Figures
Meet the Cast
Moses is a lot like Batman.Sure, he doesn't have as sweet a ride, but this guy is just as much of a cultural icon. And that's really what Moses is. Whether he existed or not, he's had a huge impact...
God is always lurking around somewhere in the Bible. He's looking over your shoulder, blowing something up, or yelling at someone for not killing their ram on the right day. But look carefully, and...
The Israelites
Before and AfterIn case you managed to skip over Genesis and Exodus—don't. Go back and read them. And throw in Numbers if you have the time. We'll wait.Now, in the spirit of Deuteronomy, we'll gi...
Eventually, Robin has to step up and take over for Batman. And things are no different for Joshua.This guy spent many years as a sidekick, but he was born to lead. When Moses sent twelve spies to s...