1964 RNC Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech Themes
It had been a tough row to hoe for Republicans lately. Since FDR in the 1930s, the government had been getting bigger and bigger, and the rights of individuals and local governments had been shrink...
Philosophical Viewpoints: Republicanism
By 1964, millions of Republicans (and a bunch of Democrats) had read Goldwater's book, The Conscience of a Conservative. It pretty much laid out his whole political agenda and the reasons behind it...
Dreams, Hopes, and Plans
In our vision of an ideal future, chocolate and tacos figure prominently.Not together, of course; that would be gross.Unless we're talking about Choco Tacos, which are actually pretty delicious. Su...
Freedom and Tyranny
Some people just can't stand being told what to do, even if it's for our own good. Every person in America, for example. For Barry Goldwater, tyranny could take a number of forms. Basically, any in...
The whole concept of equality should be pretty easy to nail down, right? Things are equal when they're the same. That's just elementary school math. But really, it's not that simple. At least, not...