Medea Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Paul Roche's translation.

Quote #7

Medea: So sweet […] the mere touch of you:
the bloom of children's skin--so soft […]
their breath--a perfect balm. (173)

This is one of the few places in the play where we see that Medea is capable of real maternal love. This sweet moment is goes a long way towards humanizing Medea. It shows that even though she is capable monstrous actions, she is also capable of gentle affection.

Quote #8

Messenger: But her father, [Creon] unawares, poor man,
rushed headlong through the room,
flung himself lamenting on the body,
hugged and kissed it, sobbing out: […]
"O god's […] let me die with my daughter." (182)

The Messenger relates to us one of the most touching (and grotesque) scenes in the play. Creon shows true paternal love when he discovers his daughter's body. He's so overcome with emotion he doesn't stop to think that maybe it's a bad idea to throw yourself onto a flaming corpse. Once again in the play we see love as a destroyer.

Quote #9

Medea: My own hands shall them, they shall be
to the sanctuary of Hera on the Cape,
where no enemy shall ever do them harm of violate their sepulchre.
Here in Corinth, […]
I shall inaugurate a solemn festival (233)

Medea's intention to honor her dead sons seems to show that her maternal love is still intact somewhere inside her. Of course, a couple questions come to mind. 1) Wouldn't it have been a greater honor not kill them in the first place? 2) How is Medea going to start a festival in Corinth, when she can never go back there again?