Shakespeare in Love Resources


Shakespeare Online

Miramaximize your Shakespeare in Love experience with choice film clips here.

Shakespeare on Facebook

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Book of TV Adaptations

Romeo Refresher

A little rusty on Romeo? We can remind you.

Articles and Interviews

Shakespeare on Blu-Ray

Director John Madden looks back on Love fourteen years after its release.

Ebert in Love

If Ebert had four thumbs, he'd point them all up.

Liked by Rolling Stone

William Shakespeare, making "literacy seem sexy" since 1999. (Or 1599.)

We Feel Fiennes

Snippets from interviews with and about Joseph Fiennes aren't quite the same as saving snippets of his hair, but these are less likely to get you a restraining order.

Behind the Bard

Shakespeare Uncovered is a TV show that takes you behind the scenes of Shakespeare's greatest plays. Of course they had to bring Joseph Fiennes along for one episode.


The Leydon Lowdown

Gwyneth chats with movie critic—and bearded beauty—Joe Leydon.

And the Award Goes To…

What's it like to win an Oscar? John Madden will tell you. (You'll have to ask the other John Madden what it's like to be on the cover of a video game.)


From All the World's a Stage to All Things Considered

NPR's movie reviewer, along with every other film critic on the planet, loved the movie.

Stoppard, Norman, and Marlowe(?)

Just as Shakespeare's plays may not have actually been written by William Shakespeare (conspiracy theory alert!) Shakespeare in Love wasn't written by Shakespeare either. The real writers talk about the play with KCRW.


Elegant Ink

This fan made poster looks like it were sketched in quill pen. The Bard would approve.

Will + Viola

This poster looks inspired by Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet.

Fit for a Queen

Dench's dresses alone are worth the price of admission.