
What do Gwyneth Paltrow and Darth Vader have in common? (Other than their skills with a lightsaber.) Shakespeare in Love actually has quite a bit in common with Star Wars. In 2004, a fan film was made called George Lucas in Love about the inspiration for the galactic bard's story of a galaxy far, far away. Also, director John Madden adapted Star Wars radio plays for NPR a long time ago.

What light through yonder window breaks? It is the teeth, and Julia's mouth as wide as the sun. (We kid, Julia, we love you.) Julia Roberts was originally set to star in Shakespeare in Love, but dropped out in the few years it took to bring the film to life.

"Seven minutes in heaven" took on a new meaning in 1999 when Judi Dench won an Oscar for her portrayal of Queen Elizabeth I. In case you weren't running a stopwatch when she was on screen, her screen time was less than eight minutes, and she still took home the coveted Best Supporting Actress award.