Slow, Slow, Fresh Fount Resources


Ben's Bio

Ben had quite the life, and you can learn all about it here.

Ben Jonson at

This dude was a Poet-with-a-capital-P, so of course he has his own page on

Cynthia's Revels

Revel with Cynthia. You know you want to.

The Elizabethan Stage

Jonson was a great playwright among many great playwrights, and this web-book will tell you all about the golden age of English theater in Jonson and Shakespeare's time.


"Slow, Slow, Fresh Fount" in Song

Sing it loud and proud "O faintly gentle springs." Or sing it slow and sad. Whatever works.

Another Choir Version of the Poem

A choir singing – here, the words are more intelligible, not that you didn't have them memorized already.


"Song: To Celia "

Unfortunately, Shmoop couldn't find an audio recording of "Slow, Slow, Fresh Fount," but you can have a listen to Jonson's "Song: To Celia."

Ben Jonson Portrait

He looks like a pretty nice fellow, right?

Ben Jonson's Marginalia

Not that you'll be able to read it or anything. But in any case, here's a pic of a copy of Jonson's edition of a Latin text (Martial), with his notes in the right margin.

Echo and Narcissus

In this 17th century painting, Nicolas Poussin shows narcissistic Narcissus gazing adoringly at his reflection in the water.

Narcissus and Echo

More of the same, brought to you by the English master J.W. Waterhouse.


Just in case you love Narcissus as much as he loves himself, check out yet another depiction of the youth, this time by Caravaggio.

The Elizabethan Stage

Here's a drawing of what the theater would have looked like in Jonson's time. Yes, that's a bear.

Historical Documents

Ben Jonson: A Life

Check out this review of a recent Jonson biography, and if you want to learn more, go ahead and buy the book!


Ben Jonson: The Complete Poems

Like what you read in "Slow, Slow, Fresh Fount "? There's more where that came from.

Movies & TV

Anonymous (2011)

A fictionalized version of Ben Jonson is depicted in the 2011 flick Anonymous, directed by Roland Emmerich, the creative genius behind 2008's 10,000 B.C.