The Haunting of Hill House Characters

Meet the Cast

Eleanor Vance

Eleanor Vance is the protagonist of The Haunting of Hill House, and that's the one point all readings of her character agree on. Past this point, readings start to diverge and differ like light s...


Theodora came to Hill House to study the paranormal because she had a fight with her roomie, and needed a place to crash while things cooled between them. Perhaps that bears repeating: Theodora is...

Dr. John Montague

Dr. Montague is the guy who got this party started. An anthropologist by trade, he wants desperately to prove the existence of the paranormal scientifically. To that end, he invites a couple of ass...

Luke Sanderson

Luke Sanderson is a liar, a thief, and kind of metro. He doesn't go to Hill House because he's interested in the paranormal or because he cares for the mansion. He's only there because his aunt nee...

Mrs. Montague and Arthur

Mrs. Montague joins her husband later in Hill House, and she totes a companion named Arthur around with her. Mrs. Montague and Arthur both have a fascination with the paranormal, and, just like Dr....

Mr. and Mrs. Dudley

Mr. and Mrs. Dudley have been the caretakers of Hill House for as long as anyone can remember. Eleanor meets Mr. Dudley briefly when he lets her through the gates of Hill House, and the characters...

Eleanor's Mother

Like Hamlet's father, Eleanor's mother dies before the beginning of the story, and this death serves as the spur that pushes the protagonist into action.Unlike Hamlet's father, Eleanor's mother at...

The Crain Family

Dr. Montague and various clues scattered across Hill House provide us with the history of this once prosperous family. Hugh Crain was the original owner of Hill House and widower of three wives (al...

Minor Characters

Carrie (Eleanor's Sister) and Her HusbandAfter Eleanor's mother's death, Carrie and her husband kind of take over the job of repressing Eleanor. When Eleanor wants to take the car and go to Hill Ho...