Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Republic.
Philosophy Quotes
The just man then, as it seems, has come to light as a kind of robber, and I'm afraid you learned this from Homer. (334a)
Justice and Judgment Quotes
"So long as I do not know what the just is, I shall hardly know whether it is a virtue or not and whether the one who has it is unhappy or happy." (354c)
Politics Quotes
"For it is likely that if a city of good men came to be, there would be a fight over not ruling, just as there is now over ruling." (347d)
Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes
Here is the wisdom of Socrates; unwilling himself to teach, he goes around learning from others, and does not even give thanks to them. (338b)
Literature and Writing Quotes
"With one tongue, [all poets] chant that moderation and justice are fair, but hard and full of drudgery, while intemperance and injustice are sweet and easy to acquire, and shameful only by opinion...
Truth Quotes
"When and for whom is [a lie]... useful? Isn't it useful against enemies, and, as a preventative, like a drug, for so-called friends when from madness or some folly they attempt to do something bad...
Education Quotes
"But how, exactly, will [the guardians of the city] be reared and educated by us?" (376c)
Morality and Ethics Quotes
[I]s there... a kind of good that we choose to have not because we desire its consequences, but because we delight in it for its own sake...? (357b)