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Finance: What are z-scores? 0 Views
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- 00:00
Finance Allah Shmoop What are Z scores A Z score
- 00:08
tells us the distance that a data point is away
- 00:10
from the mean using units of the standard deviation always
- 00:15
wanted a career in the high profile field of comparing
- 00:18
apples and oranges Well all you need is a couple
Full Transcript
- 00:20
of Z scores and all of a sudden those apples
- 00:23
and oranges don't seem quite so different After all what
- 00:26
Z scores do best is allow you to take data
- 00:29
points from two entirely different sets of data like your
- 00:31
grade in your section of applied psychology of tinder and
- 00:34
your best friends grade in his section of the same
- 00:37
course taught by a different instructor and compare them as
- 00:40
if they came from the same data set to see
- 00:43
which is objectively larger or smaller Or while maybe you
- 00:46
want to do that Teo See who did better in
- 00:49
the course Nothing wrong with a little healthy competition particularly
- 00:51
when you're trying to figure out your tender score Well
- 00:53
Z scores have one job and that's to tell us
- 00:56
how far a single data point is from the mean
- 00:58
But the measuring stick we use isn't in inches or
- 01:01
meters or even Egyptian cubits Well we use the standard
- 01:04
deviation of the data set as the ruler That is
- 01:07
the standard deviation tells us the standard distance or change
- 01:11
from the mean or middle of the data set or
- 01:14
set another way Standard deviations Tell us how far on
- 01:16
average a data point is from the mean of the
- 01:19
data set Well using that standard deviation is a standard
- 01:21
of measure means that will be checking to see how
- 01:24
far our point of interest is away from the mean
- 01:27
in comparison to other points in the same data set
- 01:29
This whole process allows us to compare apples and apples
- 01:32
inside the same data set so we can compare apples
- 01:35
and oranges later on or set another way It's about
- 01:37
how deviant the set of data points is inside of
- 01:40
whatever collection of data we're doing like a very closely
- 01:44
aligned tinder set with low Z scores Might be this
- 01:47
guy in this guy and this guy gather all probably
- 01:49
models and a desperate one with high standard deviation might
- 01:53
be this guy And uh this guy and well this
- 01:56
guy assuming that's a human So that'd be a high
- 01:58
standard deviation on the scores right Okay So let's say
- 02:01
we took the average daily high temperatures last six days
- 02:04
and got now seventy three seventy four seventy five seventy
- 02:06
five seventy six and seventy seven degrees The mean or
- 02:09
average of this data set turns out to be seventy
- 02:12
five degrees Strangely at least one of the days actually
- 02:15
had a temp of seventy five degrees So seventy five
- 02:17
is both an individual data point and the mean of
- 02:20
all the data data points that are both in the
- 02:22
Davis said and equal to the mean of the data
- 02:25
set have a Z score of zero Z Scores can
- 02:28
also take on positive values when the data point of
- 02:31
interest is larger than the Meanwhile take the day when
- 02:34
the temp with seventy seven degrees right well that's definitely
- 02:36
larger than the mean temp of seventy five degrees The
- 02:39
data point of seventy seven will have a positive Z
- 02:41
score A negative Z score happens when the point of
- 02:44
interest is smaller than the mean Like if we picked
- 02:46
the day when the temple is seventy three degrees we're
- 02:48
picking a data point smaller than that mean of seventy
- 02:50
five Any time a data point has a value smaller
- 02:53
than the mean It will also have a negative Z
- 02:56
score So let's look at a different scenario We all
- 02:58
know what perfectly sized pineapple is Yes if asked every
- 03:01
single person in the world envisions exactly the same size
- 03:04
Pineapple must be some kind of weird collective consciousness thing
- 03:07
Let's pretend for the sake of the example that the
- 03:09
perfect size is the mean size of every pineapple that
- 03:13
ever existed Well imagine a pineapple It is quite a
- 03:16
bit smaller than our perfect pineapple The Z score for
- 03:19
this pineapple size will be negative because its size is
- 03:22
smaller than the mean size But as we imagine smaller
- 03:25
and smaller pineapples we get Z scores that gets smaller
- 03:27
and smaller negative values like from negative one two negative
- 03:30
tude and negative three and so on The farther we
- 03:32
get from the mean going left the smaller and smaller
- 03:35
negative Z scores we get right there More negative Now
- 03:38
imagine a pineapple larger than the perfectly sized pineapple This
- 03:41
larger pineapple will have a positive Z score because its
- 03:45
size is larger than the mean size and as that
- 03:47
larger pineapple gets larger and larger will see it have
- 03:50
larger and larger positive Z scores like one two three
- 03:53
and so on Right So how do we actually calculate
- 03:55
this mythical Z score Well the formula's pretty simple We
- 03:59
take the data point X subtract the mean ex bar
- 04:01
and divide the result by the standard deviation s looks
- 04:04
like that You and your friend are both taking the
- 04:05
class physics of quantum neutrino fields but with different instructors
- 04:09
who use different methods and give different assignments but cover
- 04:12
exactly the same material You got eighty seven percent Your
- 04:15
friend got eighty nine percent on the exam Well things
- 04:18
are looking grim for you in the eternal battle of
- 04:20
who's better But how can we really compare scores if
- 04:23
the teachers used different methods of instruction and assessment Well
- 04:27
if we calculate a Z score for each of you
- 04:29
will be able to see how each of you did
- 04:31
relative to or compared to others in your own class
- 04:35
You're class had an average of seventy eight point one
- 04:38
percent with the standard deviation of five point four percent
- 04:40
Well what would your Z score be then What will
- 04:43
take your eighty seven and subtract the mean of seventy
- 04:45
eight point one to get eight point nine Then we'll
- 04:46
divide that by the standard deviation of five point for
- 04:49
giving us a Z score of one point six for
- 04:51
eight you scored one point six four eight standard deviations
- 04:54
above the class average Good for you Now we'll find
- 04:58
your friends Z score Her class had an average of
- 05:00
seventy five point four percent with a standard deviation of
- 05:03
eight point eight percent Well that's interesting so her average
- 05:06
was lower but the deviation higher So what's her Z
- 05:09
score Well her average eighty nine months The class average
- 05:12
of seventy five point four gives us thirteen point six
- 05:14
We divide that by the standard deviation of eight point
- 05:16
eight to get a Z score of one point five
- 05:18
four five Yeah you actually did better relatively in your
- 05:23
course compared to your friend because your score in your
- 05:25
courses farther from the mean in a positive direction where
- 05:28
larger and larger positive Z scores live You over there
- 05:31
then her score is from the mean in her course
- 05:33
While Z scores are literally eveything we should use to
- 05:36
compare apples and oranges We need a little context for
- 05:39
what very large or very small Z scores mean well
- 05:42
Z scores above four and below negative for our pretty
- 05:45
uncommon These kinds of Z scores generally mean that the
- 05:47
data is genuinely very large or very small and it
- 05:51
talks like that compared to the rest of the data
- 05:54
Z scores also have another use their used to create
- 05:57
the standard normal distribution which is like any other normal
- 06:00
day distribution But you know more standard the process of
- 06:03
creating a Z scores often called standardizing ah score or
- 06:07
indexing it if we take a previously existing normal distribution
- 06:10
of heights of adults are lengths of rainbow bass or
- 06:13
weights of Gummi there covered pretzel rods and calculate the
- 06:17
Z scores for every data point and plot them while
- 06:20
we create Then a data set of standardized scores which
- 06:23
is still normal and shape And it's called the standard
- 06:25
normal distribution So yeah just remember that Z scores are
- 06:28
the best way to compare values in two different data
- 06:31
sets We take the data point subtract the mean from
- 06:33
it and then divide that difference by the standard deviation
- 06:35
of the data set positive Z scores indicated data point
- 06:38
larger than the mean The farther a point is above
- 06:41
the mean the larger the Z score Negative Z scores
- 06:44
indicated data point smaller than the mean The farther a
- 06:47
data point is below the mean the smaller busy score
- 06:50
a Z score of zero means the data point is
- 06:52
equal to the mean right is the mean So when
- 06:55
Mom drops an apple and an orange on the table
- 06:57
and demands you compare them well you just grab a
- 06:59
couple of means and standard deviations and calculate yourself some
- 07:02
good old fashioned low calorie Z scores She'll be so 00:07:05.673 --> [endTime] impressed Mmm Tasty
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