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Finance: What is Obamacare? 3 Views
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- 00:00
Finance Allah shmoop What is Obama care Well the technical
- 00:07
term Yeah it's the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
- 00:12
Obama care is well just the affectionate nickname like Bubba
- 00:15
or Sparky or monkey buns Anyway the goal of this
- 00:18
act was to provide all Americans with health care insurance
Full Transcript
- 00:22
and the intent a noble one Lots of people don't
- 00:25
have health insurance because they have like literally no money
- 00:29
or nobody will ensure them because they're oh so sick
- 00:32
or because well they're just daredevil arrogant thrill seekers who
- 00:36
never think that gravity will fight them So how did
- 00:40
our then president expect to be able to get this
- 00:42
done well enormous financial expense with an extremely high degree
- 00:47
of difficulty to pull off on a national scale Essentially
- 00:51
the plan was to meaningfully expand Medicaid which is the
- 00:55
insurance for the poor and the disabled Well instead of
- 00:57
covering most people for a relatively modest tax to the
- 01:00
poor it would offer Medicaid which while still not offered
- 01:04
to all people was expanded in many states well paid
- 01:08
for by a variety of taxes including higher taxes for
- 01:11
individuals in some corporations such as medical device manufacturers and
- 01:16
taxes on insurance plans It originally forced everyone to either
- 01:19
buy insurance individually have it provided by an employer or
- 01:23
else pay a penalty Now if you were a normal
- 01:26
hardworking healthy ish taxpayer it meant that your tax bill
- 01:30
instead of being eleven thousand two hundred fourteen dollars would
- 01:34
now be eleven thousand eight hundred fourteen dollars And a
- 01:37
lot of Americans were upset at having to take the
- 01:40
six hundred dollars that they had earmarked toe by Johnny
- 01:43
clothing and a new swing set next year and now
- 01:46
give it to the sick and or disabled masses Well
- 01:49
Obama care essentially change the rules for what is expected
- 01:52
from a health care insurance plan Doctors are not required
- 01:55
to treat you but your insurance was required to provide
- 01:58
a broad basket of benefit like any previous illness you
- 02:01
had or certain procedures you'd had done had to be
- 02:04
included in your health plan People had to purchase plans
- 02:08
that offered this package whether or not they needed the
- 02:10
full amount of insurance Fair not farewell Let's think about
- 02:14
this concept because a lot of people were and continue
- 02:16
to be really angry about Obama care and they're not
- 02:19
all idiots not like these people On the one hand
- 02:22
it makes sense that you should get care if you're
- 02:25
sick right This is in India This is in a
- 02:27
poor African country where the warlords drive Ferraris as their
- 02:31
population starves This isn't even an article where the rulers
- 02:35
barely give a fish to the ruled So the idea
- 02:38
of covering everyone and anyone who is ill is really
- 02:40
not a terrible thought The truth is that the added
- 02:43
cost of covering everyone was managed through subsidies by requiring
- 02:48
everyone have insurance or pay a fee and requiring broader
- 02:51
forms of insurance The generally healthy and young subsidized the
- 02:55
old and sick In addition subsidies for care or offered
- 02:59
for the indigent Obama care also created incentives for people
- 03:03
to just pay the penalty and avoid insurance altogether and
- 03:06
or not really care for themselves or worry about their
- 03:09
own health management because the government now mandated that coverage
- 03:13
regardless of an individual's health or lifestyle So let's have
- 03:16
that fourth Dona Who cares If obese people are ten
- 03:19
times more likely to get very expensive to treat diabetes
- 03:22
The government will cover the cost O And how do
- 03:26
you feel about that at Cole who's always riding his
- 03:28
motorcycle eighty miles an hour between cars on the freeway
- 03:31
with no helmet Yeah he crashes Doesn't die He costs
- 03:35
a million dollars of insurance or government money depending on
- 03:38
the type of coverage as to live in the hospital
- 03:40
for you know five months Taxpayers will have to spend
- 03:44
their money on that guy instead of offering computer science
- 03:47
courses to their entire district under the federal matching funds
- 03:51
for education that we're supposed to be there Well the
- 03:53
truth is our budgets are finite and expanding Medicaid wasn't
- 03:57
free We are a hugely indebted country with most of
- 04:01
our states in analogous ly bad financial shape So money
- 04:04
isn't free And when we pay for things they come
- 04:06
out of other things And Obama care basically made the
- 04:10
decision that the motorcycle guy can get coverage at similar
- 04:13
rates to the rest of us regardless of how much
- 04:16
risk he takes And yes he's the extreme case and
- 04:19
a lot of other less extreme and way more positive
- 04:23
cases were covered as well But if it was your
- 04:25
kid's computer science courses that were canceled to reallocate tax
- 04:29
dollars to that motorcycle ball Well you'd give pause right
- 04:33
Did Obama care really encourage people to care less than
- 04:35
they already did about their health Probably not But it
- 04:38
did create a kind of adverse selection in that the
- 04:41
worst health managers or least healthy people who were likely
- 04:44
the most expensive to treat would be encouraged to opt
- 04:48
in to Obama care and just keep on keeping on
- 04:51
with Joe Camel and the gang and not worry Be
- 04:54
happy As Obama care was rolled out it expanded coverage
- 04:57
dramatically so that it wasn't just for cataclysmic things like
- 05:00
lung cancer and diabetes And under ten broad categories healthcare
- 05:04
costs were codified and reapportioned So you had emergency services
- 05:08
like ambulances And then he had drugs covered basically an
- 05:11
expansion of Part D of Medicare mapped onto Medicaid Add
- 05:15
to this coverage maternity leave Then it also added in
- 05:18
the castle for allowing kids to stay on there parentsplans
- 05:21
until they were age twenty six Then an added premium
- 05:24
costs for old people that were essentially rent control That
- 05:28
is those costs Toe old people could not be more
- 05:31
than three times the cost for the same service to
- 05:33
young people and remember that market forces would dictate that
- 05:37
young people on a relative basis almost never get sick
- 05:40
when compared tto old people So the real market costs
- 05:43
were away more than three times like the rent control
- 05:45
was really inefficient And again these extra costs beyond what
- 05:49
the market would naturally dictate they should be came out
- 05:53
of the pockets of the hardworking money earning taxpayers through
- 05:56
Medicaid expansion or subsidies for providing insurance And plus while
- 06:00
it raised is the cost of insurance for healthy people
- 06:03
who have always had coverage because they had to subsidize
- 06:07
the care of the sick And then there was the
- 06:09
smoker provisioned Yeah remember Obama smoked So uh this lit
- 06:14
a fire under his opponent's part of Obamacare also capped
- 06:17
the cost to smokers who used to pay higher rates
- 06:20
for their insurance It capped cost two smokers such that
- 06:23
they couldn't be charged more than one point five times
- 06:26
the normal rates of non smokers even if they were
- 06:29
ten times more Likely is a group tohave very expensive
- 06:32
to treat health care problems And this whole program was
- 06:35
structured as mandatory meaning that Obama care required that every
- 06:39
single person in the country have health insurance Not a
- 06:42
terrible idea but it required employers toe pay for it
- 06:45
if the company was of a certain size or required
- 06:48
individuals to purchase it If employers didn't pay and individuals
- 06:53
didn't purchase Yes they originally faced that penalty that big
- 06:57
or else thing we were talking about like a motorcycle
- 06:59
guy Yeah he must pay for insurance Well he's too
- 07:03
stupid to wear a helmet than you Khun Fairly ask
- 07:06
Why would he be smart enough to at least Carrie
- 07:08
basic insurance Well the government then has to essentially force
- 07:11
him to brush his teeth while he still has a
- 07:13
few left So Obamacare forced you to carry insurance or
- 07:16
you pay the fine or penalty if you didn't and
- 07:19
Trump's tax reform package promptly removed that penalty putting the
- 07:22
burden back on the individual or set another way If
- 07:25
that person wants to risk life and limb they should
- 07:27
be able to just not on the taxpayers nickel Well
- 07:31
the broader goal financially revolved around the notion that if
- 07:33
you had a large enough pool of money to cover
- 07:35
the sick then the healthy who need little to no
- 07:38
maintenance would essentially foot all the bills So who would
- 07:41
you guess would then not want this coverage and obese
- 07:44
diabetic old flower shop worker or a healthy young person
- 07:48
who could run a sub forty five minutes and K
- 07:50
Yeah the young people just opted out for better or
- 07:53
worse Wiser stupid They just didn't sign up for Obama
- 07:56
care And that was where the beginning of a financial
- 07:59
wakeup call began Governments or simply bad at predicting consumer
- 08:03
behavior And if all of this wasn't controversial enough given
- 08:06
that this country's health issues are regional ahs well a
- 08:09
cz national meaning that a night stay in the car
- 08:11
cost way more in Manhattan than it does in Tuscaloosa
- 08:15
Obama care tried to push down to the state level
- 08:17
is much admin as it could in the process It
- 08:20
created state exchanges And that's about geographic states not states
- 08:25
of consciousness and of course with government workers trying to
- 08:28
build complex websites while the backend technology and the rollout
- 08:31
completely failed embarrassingly And for some this was actually surprising
- 08:36
shocking Even Like when you think of America's best and
- 08:39
brightest technology people you probably don't think of the D
- 08:43
m V or the T s A Or the technologies
- 08:46
that either of those places proffer Anyway the policies gave
- 08:50
states the right to go it alone and try to
- 08:51
manage their own Obama care policies are basically just give
- 08:54
back the money to Medicaid and let the federal government
- 08:57
deal with things the way they had been So that's
- 08:59
obamacare In a nutshell Lots of nuts And plenty more 00:09:02.92 --> [endTime] to be Sheldon They passed the donut Yeah
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