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Regulations Videos 358 videos
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Finance: What is a Yankee Bond? 36 Views
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What's a yankee bond, and does it stick a feather in its cap and call it macaroni?
- Social Studies / Finance
- Finance / Financial Responsibility
- College and Career / Personal Finance
- Life Skills / Personal Finance
- Finance / Finance Definitions
- Life Skills / Finance Definitions
- Finance / Personal Finance
- Courses / Finance Concepts
- Subjects / Finance and Economics
- Finance and Economics / Terms and Concepts
- Terms and Concepts / Investing
- Terms and Concepts / Accounting
- Terms and Concepts / Banking
- Terms and Concepts / Board of Directors
- Terms and Concepts / Bonds
- Terms and Concepts / Careers
- Terms and Concepts / Company Management
- Terms and Concepts / Econ
- Terms and Concepts / Forex
- Terms and Concepts / Incorporation
- Terms and Concepts / Insurance
- Terms and Concepts / International
- Terms and Concepts / Managed Funds
- Terms and Concepts / Regulations
- Terms and Concepts / Stocks
- Terms and Concepts / Tax
- Terms and Concepts / Trading
- Terms and Concepts / Trusts and Estates
- 00:00
Finance allah shmoop what is a yankee bond We're safe
- 00:08
We're sound we're saying at least that's how we look
- 00:11
financially when you know the u s has compared with
- 00:15
most of the rest of the world that's why a
- 00:17
bunch of countries issue their own bonds denominated in u
Full Transcript
- 00:22
s dollars you know countries like panama el salvador micronesia
- 00:27
and macron asia Well ours is ah hard currency and
- 00:30
that we don't or at least haven't historically created massive
- 00:34
ten percent a month inflation to deflate the value of
- 00:38
our own currency and well that would make it super
- 00:40
easy for our government to pay off its ludicrously high
- 00:44
death but we don't do that We respect the people
- 00:46
who loaned money to us including our own citizens So
- 00:49
we have a hard currency It just kind of stays
- 00:51
where it is Yes there's inflation Yes we raise the
- 00:53
rates a little bit here and there defended but generally
- 00:55
just kind of does its thing So we fight hard
- 00:58
to keep that trust that the rest of the world
- 01:00
often values more than well trust in their own governments
- 01:04
or at least their own government's ability to manage their
- 01:06
currency when they issue say argentinean bonds payable in u
- 01:11
s dollars Well then that's a yankee bond And we 00:01:14.819 --> [endTime] are the banker And well they are the yankee
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