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Materials information is important information pertaining to a securities transaction.
What is Arbitration? Arbitration is like court for the financial world. It is used to settle disputes between investors and their brokers. An inves...
Finance: What is Rescission? 6 Views
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What is rescission? Hit play to find out.
- Social Studies / Finance
- Finance / Financial Responsibility
- College and Career / Personal Finance
- Life Skills / Personal Finance
- Finance / Finance Definitions
- Life Skills / Finance Definitions
- Finance / Personal Finance
- Courses / Finance Concepts
- Subjects / Finance and Economics
- Finance and Economics / Terms and Concepts
- Terms and Concepts / Regulations
- 00:00
finance a la shmoop what is rescission think of a season as a sale and then you [Sign for a 'garage scission']
- 00:09
read it that is you undo it rescission is the noun form of rescind
- 00:14
and you'll notice the base spellings of scissors in there kinda sorta it's like
- 00:19
you're cutting the sale or the contract or the deal well why would you rescind a [A contract is cut by scissors]
- 00:23
sale well maybe the eggs were in fact rotten
Full Transcript
- 00:26
and you weren't in Denmark or maybe the contract stipulated that Super Bowl
- 00:30
t-shirts had to be delivered before Super Bowl Sunday so when they arrived [The before term in the contract is highlighted]
- 00:35
the Monday afterward while that contract got rescinded or the rescission might
- 00:39
have happened because the product just didn't work the way it was you know
- 00:43
supposed to another big example comes from your kindly loving insurance [Woman looks upset with her champions t-shirt]
- 00:47
underwriters you claimed you had a smoke detector in your house but you didn't
- 00:52
and after your buddy pyro Pete's visit while the house burned down the [Pyro Pete using a flamethrower in the kitchen]
- 00:56
insurance adjuster looks and looks for that smoke detector but doesn't find it
- 01:00
and guess what your insurance contract claim is rescinded you lied [Rescinded stamp]
- 01:05
ie made fraudulent representations so you know no soup for you or no million [Firefighters working on a blaze]
- 01:11
dollar insurance policy payout well rescission happens or can happen in
- 01:15
nearly any and all sales transactions sometimes that of buyers behest like
- 01:19
during the cooling off period immediately after someone has purchased [Someone handing over a check]
- 01:22
a car and is experiencing buyer's remorse or if the wife is experiencing
- 01:27
you know marriers remorse yeah oh well sorry there [Husband doesn't look impressed by the food his wife has cooked]
- 01:31
maybe go with the car
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