Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Office Assistant. Salary: $25,000 or less 

Running into the boss' office, you trip and almost crash-land right on her floor. You couldn't help it; you're so excited about this new film you saw you have to tell her. Looking up, you see her meeting with the films' producers. After a moment, you say, "Fire?" and hope for the best.


Distribution Associate. Salary: $40,000 

On the company trip to Cannes, you spend half the night talking up the guy you think produced that really great war film you just saw. When he hands you his business card, you see it says "Steven Schpeilbarg." You point at the entrance and ask if that's George Clooney. As he turns to look, you bolt in the other direction.


Independent Distribution Agent. Salary: $60,000 

Upon leaving the theater, you walk up to the film festival runner and slip him $20 to get you into the filmmaker-only lounge. He slips you back a card: "Thanks for the bribe. You're still not getting in." You scowl, try and figure out a back way in, and instead just loiter in the lobby, waiting for the person you're looking to talk to.


Acquisitions Officer. Salary: $95,000 

After getting off the phone with your boss, you start combing the film festival listings looking for a sad-but-in-a-funny-way dramedy about country kids moving to the big city. Having found one, you book an airline ticket. Next stop: Ann Arbor, Michigan.


Studio Distributor. Salary: $140,000 

Reading the trade papers, you come across an article talking about how studios and Megaplexes are no longer communicating. You call up the head of Loews, who assures you it's all good. After you hang up, you sip your latte and wonder if AMC will offer you more for the next one. You'd have asked the Loews guy, but who has the time?