Bell Curve

Bell Curve


New hire. Salary: $27,000

What do you know, you got the job. Now it's a whole lot of hard work convincing your new employees you know what you're doing. Good luck.


Getting used to the smell. Salary: $36,000

They know who you are at the plant now. You've gotten used to the hours and the smell (almost). Last week, someone almost fell into one of the screens, but then...they didn't. So all is well. But it's time for a new round of safety seminars.


Experience and education. Salary: $51,000

That master's degree sure paid off. Not as much for you as for your classmates, who are all going into business and making money hand over fist. The thing is, you're saving the environment. It'd be a lot cooler if the environment didn't smell so much like spoiled milk, though.


Humming along. Salary: $63,000

Your MRF hums along like a well-oiled machine. Probably because it's literally made out of machines that are oiled well.


King of Mount Garbage. Salary $90,000

Your plant is a thing of beauty, which is why it won't be yours for too much longer. Skills like yours need to be used on a larger scale. You're looking for a government gig overseeing several plants, or maybe something even more prestigious.