- Another day and Pamela is still at Mr. B's. We're starting to think she doesn't even want to leave.
- Now Mrs. Jervis is being invited to stay, and there's a big meeting with Pamela, Mrs. Jervis, and Mr. Longman, in which Mr. B gets all aggro with Pamela in front of Mr. Longman, baiting Pamela into being insubordinate.
- Pamela is way too smart for this, throwing herself on her knees, offering prayers for everyone and blaming herself for being ungrateful to the "best of Masters" (31.12).
- Mr. Longman couldn't understand why the master won't "forgive" Pamela despite this attempt to be humble and apologize.
- The master ultimately ordered Pamela from the room, and she was so upset she had trouble physically walking out.