Pamela Chapter 98 Summary


  • Pamela has been occupying herself with choosing fabric and patterns for her new fancypants clothes. The squire plans to present her as his bride at church that following Sunday.
  • Pamela says she is going to send John out to her parents' place with some more of her papers and the current letter.
  • In this letter, she requests that her father respond to Mr. B's proposals regarding the farm and new clothes.
  • Also, she wants her parents to give Mrs. Mumford some cash on her behalf, and she asks for a list of deserving individuals in their community who might benefit from any charity she can dispense. She describes the accounting system she will use to keep track of these distributions.
  • She also lets her parents know that she intends to give Lady Davers her papers only up to where they describe Lady Davers's angry letter to Mr. B.