The Republic Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Stephanus pagination (the standardized way in which every text of Plato is divided). Every edition and translation will have this pagination in the margins.

Quote #4

" looks to me as though there is one form for virtue and an unlimited number for vice..." (445c)

This doesn't sound like the best news, does it? Socrates imagines that while there's only one way to be good, there are lots of ways to be bad. Yikes.

Quote #5

"...there is a need for the best men to have intercourse as often as possible with the best women, and the reverse for the most ordinary men with the most ordinary women..." (459d)

Thinking about morality in a more unconventional way, Socrates believes in "breeding" humans so that the best people have children together in order to produce the best kinds of children, and so on. Does that sound like a promising strategy?

Quote #6

"Is there any way in which the orderly man, who isn't a lover of money, or illiberal, or a boaster, or a coward, could become a hard-bargainer, or unjust?" (486b)

The "orderly man" whom Socrates equates with the wise man is demonstrated to be incapable of acting immorally. This seems to prove that that morality can be defended rationally. Are you convinced?