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Rhetoric Videos 90 videos
Thoreau was all about simplicity; anything that took away from his vision was the enemy. Mechanical aids were one of them. Guess he had to train a...
How does Thoreau feel about commerce? He writes, "We don't ride upon the railroad; it rides upon us." He wants and end to the war fighting for the...
Thoreau wants our lives to be simplified. He claims that we gain less from life when we over-complicate things.
SAT Reading 1.7 Long Passages 172 Views
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SAT Reading Long Passages Drill 1, Problem 7
- Rhetoric / Analyzing point of view
- Product Type / SAT Reading
- Informational Media Literacy / Formality and Tone
- Complex Inferences / Persuasive
- Persuasive Texts / Counterarguments
- Reading Informational Text / Cite textual evidence to support analysis
- Reading Informational Text / Cite textual evidence to support analysis
- Reading Informational Text / Cite textual evidence to support analysis
- Rhetoric / Analyzing point of view
- 00:04
So many questions, so little time... If you want to read through the passage again,
- 00:10
press pause and go for it. We'll hang out while you do.
- 00:18
Overall, the author's attitude toward Kurt Cobain is one of...what?
- 00:22
Here are the potential answers...
- 00:26
Throughout the passage, our author writes
Full Transcript
- 00:28
admiringly about Cobain and his musical contributions...
- 00:31
When a word starts with "dis," it generally means that the word has a negative connotation.
- 00:39
So, we can get rid of (A) and (C) for sure. Now we ask ourselves: is the author actually
- 00:44
"intense" in his adoration?
- 00:45
- 00:47
The readers get a good sense of the Seattle scene in general, too, so bye bye (D)
- 00:52
"Ambivalence" happens when a person doesn't
- 00:55
really care about something all that much.
- 00:58
The author expresses too much sympathy for his subject for this too be true, though.
- 01:02
So (E) doesn't work either.
- 01:04
Since the passage focuses on the tragedy of Cobain's too-early death, (B) is the best
- 01:09
- 01:10
Excuse us while we listen to our copy of Nevermind for a while.
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