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Rhetoric Videos 90 videos
Thoreau was all about simplicity; anything that took away from his vision was the enemy. Mechanical aids were one of them. Guess he had to train a...
How does Thoreau feel about commerce? He writes, "We don't ride upon the railroad; it rides upon us." He wants and end to the war fighting for the...
Thoreau wants our lives to be simplified. He claims that we gain less from life when we over-complicate things.
Using Information in a Table to Support a Claim 2 Views
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You'll have to read a table to answer this SAT Reading question on ZimbardoLand. Yes we just invented a country.
- 00:02
All right next up in cycle Oh ville love saying
- 00:05
zimbardo What a great name that it's What you'd be
- 00:07
like The name of the city right which gives the
- 00:09
strongest evidence or the answer to the previous question All
- 00:13
right so it was all about nebulous nebulas being unclear
Full Transcript
- 00:18
So all right so which is the strongest evidence that
- 00:21
it's unclear but now we got to go back the
- 00:22
lines All right We're going to line thirty eight to
- 00:24
start with Yeah so shines on my way Knew that
- 00:28
one And then ah now in line forty three And
- 00:32
this one says these kinds of effects are seen all
- 00:34
the time is with the famous muehler liar optical illusion
- 00:37
that causes visual confusion in most people All right there's
- 00:40
The visual confusion Yeah this one's longer that one's longer
- 00:44
No they're even okay Line's forty five to forty seventh
- 00:47
Subjects in the ash test may have been making a
- 00:49
judgment about the fallibility of their own senses Yeah Self
- 00:53
awareness All right let's Go to forty seven three Forty
- 00:55
nine what's The difference between a willingness to doubt one's
- 00:59
senses and a propensity for conformity Ooh that sounds really
- 01:03
powerful Is that it The best example of the term
- 01:06
nebulous occurs right there right after the term is used
- 01:09
When the author presents to possible interpretations of the results
- 01:13
to possibilities for the same data Show that the results
- 01:17
lack clarity It's like you want a soft drink its
- 01:20
other coke or pepsi And if you get really crazy
- 01:22
you go with rc cola over their way in the
- 01:24
back of safeway Yeah good luck finding it anyway The
- 01:27
other lines cited all expand on the basic idea but
- 01:29
none of them come quite as closes juxtaposing two equally
- 01:33
possible explanations to get rid of all the others right 00:01:36.67 --> [endTime] and through group
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