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Rhetoric Videos 90 videos
Thoreau was all about simplicity; anything that took away from his vision was the enemy. Mechanical aids were one of them. Guess he had to train a...
How does Thoreau feel about commerce? He writes, "We don't ride upon the railroad; it rides upon us." He wants and end to the war fighting for the...
Thoreau wants our lives to be simplified. He claims that we gain less from life when we over-complicate things.
SAT Reading: Noting the Impact of a Specific Paragraph on an Entire Scientific Text 6 Views
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How does anthropogenic noise impact predator-prey interactions? Watch the SAT Reading video to find out.
- 00:03
all right last one huzzah the last paragraph functions primarily to do what
- 00:10
okay the correct answers got to be C predator-prey the authors say that noise
- 00:14
interferes with predator-prey interactions they actually say that so [Green arrow points to sentence]
- 00:18
it should be really clear here they're talking about anthropogenic noise they
- 00:22
give two examples of predator-prey relationships gleaning bats preying on
Full Transcript
- 00:26
insects and squirrels alerted to potential predators through alarm calls
- 00:30
the last paragraph presents new research not previously mentioned in the passage
- 00:35
like a new episode of shark week rather than summing up what has preceded it oh [Shark eats a smaller shark]
- 00:39
yeah get rid of a like the rest of the article that explains how noise disturbs
- 00:43
animals but doesn't offer solutions to annoying problems there so get rid of B [Birds flying by a bridge]
- 00:48
and it also focuses on anthropogenic noise not the noise made by animals per
- 00:53
se so get rid of that the answer is C and for predator-prey relationships well
- 00:57
we're just waiting for a Megalodon nado that's going to be big [Megalodon shark appears]
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