
For a job that handles such a sensitive part of the work environment, you won't have to deal with an excessive amount of stress. Your working conditions will be really good, you'll have lots of non-competitive work relationships, and you'll be able to see your achievements happening right before your eyes. Talk about a sense of accomplishment.

That's not to say that things will be totally stress-free. After reading a million complaints about discrimination, you may feel your faith in humanity fading. Having to process every tiny little detail from every single case can be painstaking, and sometimes just painful. 

And, of course, you'll have to talk to your fair share of jerks who don't want to take the necessary steps to ensure a fair and equal workplace. Being polite and professional to a total jerk is no fun, but in this field, it can be a daily necessity. At least you'll be able to bring down the law on them if they don't comply.