
Average Salary: $37,910

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $1,582,667

Let's be real: while you'll probably have to work in the occasional downpour, you won't exactly be making it rain.

If you work for your local government, the median annual wage is around $37,800, with an additional $200 given out for state-employed highway maintenance workers (source). 

So yeah, you're unfortunately working a little below the national average wage index. Where you live can also affect how much money you make. For example, maintenance workers who call Alaska home make a whopping $56,130 a year (source). The weather is also a lot harsher up there, so they kind of deserve it.

Since you don't need a college degree, you can get started working and saving much sooner than those folks who choose to go to college. And the more you work, the more likely you are to get promoted and receive higher pay raises. 

So if you start working at eighteen, chances are you'll be in a better pay scale by the time you reach, say, thirty. There's also the added benefit of not having any student loans to pay off, which we can say with absolute confidence, is amazing.