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Rhetoric Videos 53 videos
How does Thoreau feel about commerce? He writes, "We don't ride upon the railroad; it rides upon us." He wants and end to the war fighting for the...
Thoreau wants our lives to be simplified. He claims that we gain less from life when we over-complicate things.
Thoreau was all about simplicity; anything that took away from his vision was the enemy. Mechanical aids were one of them. Guess he had to train a...
SAT Reading: Defining the Relationship Between Solid Earth Tides and Volcanoes 4 Views
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Tides and volcanos go hand in hand. But how? Watch this SAT Reading video to find out more!
- 00:02
all right SAT nerds reading this here we go let's keep going on the passage and
- 00:08
we got a question based on the passage which choice best describes the [text on screen]
- 00:10
relationship between solid earth tides and volcanoes when we're just thinking
- 00:14
about the passage and thinking about all the times they referred to solid earth
- 00:18
and volcanoes because it's hard to go skim back and look for these things well [girl thinking of volcanos]
Full Transcript
- 00:22
what's the answer what's the answer it's B lunar gravity pulls equally on [lunar gravity influencing earth]
- 00:26
solid earth and molten magma that kind of makes sense it's just getting gravity
- 00:30
pulled on it so they're both the same thing nothing so special about the
- 00:34
protons and neutrons in magma right so as we think about it
- 00:37
solid earth tides like oceanic tides come from a Bulge created by lunar [moon orbiting earth]
- 00:42
gravity that follows the Moon around the earth the theory presented in the
- 00:46
article is that solid earth tides squeeze the planet like a toothpaste [tet on screen]
- 00:50
tube and this pushes the magma which allows it to break past crust and other [magma rising]
- 00:55
hindrances causing an explosion and extender in the mirror in the morning [volcanic eruption]
- 00:59
and you're staring there and you're a lake teenager you know what we mean [girl popping pimple]
- 01:03
paragraphs four and five and right here and here explain the theory in copious
- 01:08
detail what pressure can cause changes in temperature but the article focuses
- 01:12
on the pressure created by lunar and at times solar gravity there's no [text on screen]
- 01:17
suggestion that the magma is any hotter during maximal tides so get rid of a and [smoking volcano]
- 01:22
while lunar gravity definitely pulls on everything the article specifically
- 01:26
credits squeezing pulling with causing those pimples to pop the article doesn't
- 01:32
explain how magma is created but there's no indication that the friction of this
- 01:36
squeezing can generate that much heat so get rid of D and well on the plus side
- 01:41
that probably means the moon can't give you one of those friction burns your [moon]
- 01:44
older brother loved to dish out nuggies and [moon giving a kid a nuggie]
- 01:48
yeah next time yell mom sooner
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