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Thoreau was all about simplicity; anything that took away from his vision was the enemy. Mechanical aids were one of them. Guess he had to train a...
SAT Reading: What is the Main Purpose of this Scientific Passage? 0 Views
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This SAT Reading video discusses the impact of anthropogenic noise on wildlife populations. At least for once they're having you read something interesting.
- 00:01
All right people new siri's last one in the reading
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thing from here And unlike most passages that people seem
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to give out this one's actually pretty interesting So let's
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go back and read it or skim it and do
- 00:14
some stuff think about it because that will relate to
Full Transcript
- 00:17
the first question here Why should we be concerned about
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noise impact on wildlife We're hearing provides panoramic awareness organisms
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surrounding this learning senses finally survival In contrast vision hearing
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and will continue to function while sleeping with evolution reinforces
- 00:25
this appointment sometime have lots of our site There are
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no cases about hearing things let's go came a little
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bit here while hearing on certain about intention localization values
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remain important purpose the crucible he was like on the
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role of sexual condition you know you don't want to
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talk about anthropogenic noise It was that prevented me but
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we'll get a lot of protection that we heard about
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it And unfortunately i don't know what you're talking about
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the course and we're talking to people letting everyone hearing
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loss in my little talking with everyone What is our
- 00:44
first finalist from under Some sort of ok bad behavior
- 00:46
Can get you your second Probably another instance of something
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not everyone with a bird's beak even wrote They're going
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to call that working with hides things called little relation
- 00:52
with lord that's a fine thing you're reporting department report
- 00:55
and change a fucking thing was getting one more thing
- 00:56
on here frog Okay so here you go The first
- 01:00
questions The main purpose of the passages To do what
- 01:02
No Well people guess what Noise frightens animals and sometimes
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humans right Well this isn't so shocking a conclusion thie
- 01:11
article focuses on research of specific species and changes in
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their behavior from human caused noise explaining that rising background
- 01:20
sound levels due to anthropogenic noise raised profound concerns The
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article draws several conclusions but they all focus on the
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ways that noise harms species duff they don't discuss ways
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to fix the problem so get rid of the passage
- 01:35
does describe the ways that species use hearing Yes but
- 01:38
this is a sub point to the main idea Yeah
- 01:40
we got that right away The passage does label development
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as a cause like real estate in buildings and runways
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for airport but the text doesn't focus on it exclusively
- 01:49
So yeah we got that too It also talks about
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transportation and recreation centers as big noise creators Yeah go
- 01:55
find a four year old on a playground and ask
- 01:57
them about that scares the crap out of lizard Okay
- 02:01
so that's it uh it's a d explain how unnatural 00:02:04.522 --> [endTime] noise back in animal behavior
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