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Rhetoric Videos 53 videos
How does Thoreau feel about commerce? He writes, "We don't ride upon the railroad; it rides upon us." He wants and end to the war fighting for the...
Thoreau wants our lives to be simplified. He claims that we gain less from life when we over-complicate things.
Thoreau was all about simplicity; anything that took away from his vision was the enemy. Mechanical aids were one of them. Guess he had to train a...
SAT Reading: Inferring Twain's Purpose in Using Dialect 4 Views
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Did Mark Twain create the Fonzie before Happy Day? Watch this SAT Reading video to get the scoop!
- 00:02
all right and as they said in Animal House thank you sir man have another
- 00:06
there we go its seven out of 11 we're getting close to done the author most [text on screen]
- 00:10
likely described the apprentice engineer referring to st. Louis st. 32 in order
- 00:13
to do what why is he over fronting what's he using for okay well people the
- 00:18
correct answer is B it's implying the boy exaggerated yeah not pronouncing the [woman biting pencil]
Full Transcript
- 00:22
hard-ass was what locals did so of course the boy wanted to sound like an
- 00:28
old citizen of that spectacular big city well the boy used this pronunciation and [text on screen]
- 00:33
continually name drops famous st. Louis landmarks like 4th Street or the [writing on chalkboard]
- 00:38
planters house too you know puffs himself up and sound cool he was the [man throwing a thumbs up]
- 00:43
original hipster or funs it seems Twain complains of the boy using all sorts of
- 00:49
steamboat technicalities in his talk as if he were so used to them that he [writing on chalkboard]
- 00:54
forgot common people could not understand them we got it right from
- 00:58
that reading yet right there we all know this guy he's being pretentious not
- 01:01
ignorant human that a steamboatman would likely stop at the port as he traveled [man receives 'pretentious sticker]
- 01:05
the Mississippi River so that part probably isn't a lie between doesn't
- 01:10
mention the pronunciation of any other places so this was more of a supporting
- 01:14
detail so yeah get rid of that one so yeah the answer is B he's trying to look
- 01:18
worldly wise and well he's just not
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