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Rhetoric Videos 53 videos
How does Thoreau feel about commerce? He writes, "We don't ride upon the railroad; it rides upon us." He wants and end to the war fighting for the...
Thoreau wants our lives to be simplified. He claims that we gain less from life when we over-complicate things.
Thoreau was all about simplicity; anything that took away from his vision was the enemy. Mechanical aids were one of them. Guess he had to train a...
SAT Reading: Recognizing the Author's Argument in a Scientific Text 14 Views
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The Sonoran pronghorn has sensitive ears. Wanna know more? Watch this SAT Reading video on noise pollution.
- 00:03
All right just a few more in our reading fast
- 00:06
here in the jungle theatre suggested a noise boyfriend might
- 00:08
cause damage to a species like the sonar on pronghorn
- 00:10
in funny ways Okay well correct answer's Gotta be be
- 00:15
it's A barrier to movement into new habit exploration The
Full Transcript
- 00:18
key argument in this paragraph is that a noise footprint
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creates a larger space of disturbance than a physical object
- 00:25
As the authors say read along with me go ahead
- 00:28
bouncing balls the quiet spaces within a developed field maybe
- 00:31
too small and too far apart to support species that
- 00:34
are sensitive to noise and loud areas may form barriers
- 00:38
to migration and dispersal Well guess what Noise acts as
- 00:42
a barrier to the species Freedom of movement Like a
- 00:44
fence The noise footprint seems to confine animals rather than
- 00:48
drive them out like they're afraid And they just sit
- 00:50
there and cower We feel sad for them Quiet spaces
- 00:53
air constricted and they cut off paths of movement Well
- 00:56
the article doesn't say that strong horns are rough over
- 00:59
when they tried to reach quite spaces like it's nowhere
- 01:02
in the reading Nor does it say they move into
- 01:03
new regions on paragraph fails to mention anything about the
- 01:07
way pronghorn community at all in fact so yeah it's
- 01:10
be and you know new movement And the next time
- 01:13
you go into another habitat appreciate the fact you khun
- 01:16
do that Not be terrified with all the noises for 00:01:20.115 --> [endTime] you
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