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SAT Writing Videos 88 videos
What do austronauts and Michael Jackson have in common? Watch this video on sentence structure to find out!
Its...or is it it's? Watch this SAT drill to help unravel that age old question.
Cars and dashes. Yes, we're talking dashes not dashboards in this SAT Writing video.
SAT Writing and Language Drill 2.3 Organization 1 Views
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Did Washington ever get lonely? Watch this SAT Writing video on solitude to find out.
- 00:03
All right jumpers continuing on your track to become an
- 00:06
editor working for shmoop up with the question Three of
- 00:09
eleven This prep thing Question to make information flow most
- 00:12
smoothly Where should send three go Okay Well where does
- 00:16
it go Where should it go So let's go down
Full Transcript
- 00:18
to sentence three Their sexuality Would we come often during
- 00:21
his presidency Okay Well let's See we're thinking aloud here
- 00:25
because sentenced three starts with such solitude We know it's
- 00:30
referring to a solitude That's already been mentioned But where
- 00:34
do we see solitude in sentence One or two missing
- 00:37
sentence six describes washington waiting alone for hours on end
- 00:42
Which sounds like solitude to us So sticking sentence three
- 00:46
right after sentence six and it's Probably the best bet
- 00:49
Then it relates directly behind it You know what it's
- 00:51
referring teo And you can feel sorry for old george
- 00:54
there while sentence three interrupts the flow of the paragraph
- 00:57
in every other location too So it's got to get
- 00:59
out of there so we know it ain't a when
- 01:01
placed at the beginning it awkwardly leads into a sentence
- 01:04
that just doesn't relate well Senses foreign five both described
- 01:07
washington doing something on his own but they don't emphasize
- 01:12
solitude in the same way A sentence Six So the
- 01:14
answer is d there right there after sentence six and 00:01:18.003 --> [endTime] we're done
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