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SAT Writing Videos 88 videos
What do austronauts and Michael Jackson have in common? Watch this video on sentence structure to find out!
Its...or is it it's? Watch this SAT drill to help unravel that age old question.
Cars and dashes. Yes, we're talking dashes not dashboards in this SAT Writing video.
SAT Writing and Language Drill 4.2 Conventions of Punctuation 7 Views
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What's a compoud adjective? Watch the SAT writing video to learn more.
- 00:02
Okay shmoop er's Next up two of eleven revolutionary dash
- 00:05
era scenes What are we doing with this puppy All
- 00:08
right let's go back to reading here real quick there's
- 00:10
A semaphore revolutionary action scenes that the u s congress
- 00:12
commission from underneath Okay so what's wrong with that Anything
Full Transcript
- 00:18
is the m dash right Should there be a comma
- 00:20
in there doing okay What do you think What we're
- 00:23
dealing with A compound adjective here That's key thing to
- 00:26
know for these tests could always throw those at your
- 00:28
head at ninety miles an hour You have to know
- 00:30
when to duck So what's compound adjective well means it's
- 00:32
a set of two words that function as one adjective
- 00:36
tvo or title or just adjective unit revolutionary and era
- 00:41
to show that these words function together to modify the
- 00:43
noun scenes they need to be hyphenated They're functioning together
- 00:47
You couldn't have revolutionary scenes that would be really weird
- 00:50
like the scenes revolved round and round that be kind
- 00:52
of cool for era scenes that could be like eighteenth
- 00:55
nineteenth century rounding on whatever era they're talking about farmers
- 00:59
and people dying of tuberculosis stuff like that that be
- 01:02
era scenes being them together because it's the revolutionary era
- 01:05
so we nail it in much more narrowly they shouldn't
- 01:08
be hyphenated when they're not modifying a noun however so
- 01:11
get rid of b when referring death scenes from the
- 01:13
revolutionary era well there's No need to hyphenate the words
- 01:17
revolutionary and era to show that they're working together as
- 01:20
a unit What's More scenes from the revolutionary era even
- 01:24
when correctly punctuated doesn't exactly help streamline the sentence Like
- 01:27
if you're getting paid for word maybe you do this
- 01:30
with compound adjectives The hyphen is necessary for clarity of
- 01:33
the sentence without the hyphen While a reader might think
- 01:36
the now not the adjective is compound that would leave
- 01:39
us with era scenes that are themselves revolutionary in nature
- 01:43
And yeah that would just be so wrong So that's 00:01:45.787 --> [endTime] no change
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