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SAT Writing Videos 88 videos
What do austronauts and Michael Jackson have in common? Watch this video on sentence structure to find out!
Its...or is it it's? Watch this SAT drill to help unravel that age old question.
Cars and dashes. Yes, we're talking dashes not dashboards in this SAT Writing video.
SAT Writing and Language Drill 6.1 Organization 1 Views
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First of this SAT Writing video series on The Well-Rounded Curriculum.
- 00:02
Okay S eighty writing shmoop er's We're getting you all
- 00:05
trained up to become an editor at schmuck you know
- 00:08
but that's what you really dream of doing when you
- 00:10
were a little Ok Well here we go We got
- 00:11
eleven more of these things and a whole big megillah
Full Transcript
- 00:15
here that we're going to read about Well rounded curriculum
- 00:19
I think you're going to be talking about reasonable conditions
- 00:22
What do you think president decided to leave lincoln relegate
- 00:24
percent and percent per decade Our dedication And that was
- 00:27
enough to last a lifetime If i can only between
- 00:28
israel times economically publications like what we're going for something
- 00:31
a little side bet going on about getting really really
- 00:33
wanted me back I don't know everything My father is
- 00:35
a good thing that my father was a nickel back
- 00:38
T o your insight Okay well wow That's ah politically
- 00:43
charged statement here So let's See where we go with
- 00:46
it First question to make the paragraph flow most smoothly
- 00:51
Where should sentence one be placed All right well think
- 00:56
about this so sentence ones go back right here It
- 00:59
is the making of connections through a rich arts inclusive
- 01:03
curriculum that ultimately empowers a student to develop convictions and
- 01:08
reach their full academic and social potential So let's think
- 01:13
about this since one is more of a concluding sentence
- 01:17
than an introductory one right Putting the sentence last follows
- 01:20
the forward momentum of the paragraph ten sparrow graph begins
- 01:23
with a question gives a wrong answer was probably bad
- 01:26
grammar and then offers a right answer since one elaborate
- 01:30
on that right answer and makes a claim that builds
- 01:33
off of the three proceeding senses So probably ought to
- 01:36
go with the end like right here right Unless we're
- 01:39
playing jeopardy It's tough to answer a question before the
- 01:41
question has even been asked with sentence one where it
- 01:44
is now That's exactly what's happening And you know i
- 01:47
have an aunt who does that always in thanksgiving All
- 01:49
right well if sentence one came after sentenced to let
- 01:52
it sort of kind of makes sense Maybe since it's
- 01:55
answering the question but it would throw off sentence three
- 01:58
there Who's yet is meant to directly follow sentenced to
- 02:02
thereby creating a contrast you have to remember when you're
- 02:05
answering these kind of questions you can't change any words
- 02:07
subsequently or linkages or whatever All you can do is
- 02:10
cut and paste the sentence they're talking about You can't
- 02:13
do any carpentry around the edges We'll put in sentence
- 02:16
one before sentencing Four might confuse the reader by making
- 02:19
her think that the rich curriculum is the math science
- 02:22
and reading mentioned in sentence Three like all the things
- 02:25
that you you know actually could do to get a
- 02:28
job and pay your rent in the real world So
- 02:30
that's it Er the answer is d after sentence for 00:02:34.343 --> [endTime] we're done
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