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SAT Writing Videos 88 videos
What do austronauts and Michael Jackson have in common? Watch this video on sentence structure to find out!
Its...or is it it's? Watch this SAT drill to help unravel that age old question.
Cars and dashes. Yes, we're talking dashes not dashboards in this SAT Writing video.
SAT Writing and Language Drill 8.10 Organization 5 Views
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This SAT Writing video on The Treasury's beginnigs asks you to figure out how to maintain the logical flow of a paragraph. It's not as complicated as it sounds, we promise.
- 00:03
Okay Essay writing shmoop er's Just two more and then
- 00:06
we're done with this awesome exercise to maintain a logical
- 00:11
flow of the paragraph Where should sentence four be placed
- 00:15
All right logical flow So sentence for let's Go find
- 00:18
that thing One two three and four Well let's think
Full Transcript
- 00:24
about this The information in this paragraph moves in rough
- 00:27
chronological order Right Therefore it's best to have the information
- 00:31
about may seventeen eighty one come after the information about
- 00:34
seventeen Seventy eight in sentence for the dollars devaluation problem
- 00:38
from sentenced three gets worse It makes sense to have
- 00:41
sentenced for this hunk right here with all its devaluing
- 00:45
dollar related woes come right after sentence three Yeah Alright
- 00:49
Loser bowl here A collapse Sounds like a pretty big
- 00:51
deal And it is And we can infer from the
- 00:53
collapsed dollar that financial administration probably wasn't going so well
- 00:58
You know hamilton where are you So moving sentence for
- 01:00
the beginning the paragraph would make sentence one redundant repetitive
- 01:04
saying the same thing again and again You will be
- 01:06
sent in three and four Both tell us the dollar
- 01:08
was losing value with sent three stating the fact was
- 01:11
an ongoing process and sentenced for giving us a specific
- 01:14
date on which the dollars collapse was in full swing
- 01:17
But with this kind of information makes the most sense
- 01:19
To move from the general to the specific right Put
- 01:22
the information about the general problem of devaluation first and
- 01:26
follow it with the more specific problem of the collapse
- 01:29
of the dollar So i get to see there Finally
- 01:31
it helps to know why the americans were pro testing
- 01:34
before knowing that they were pro testing Yeah sort of 00:01:37.853 --> [endTime] like most college campuses these days
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