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SAT Writing Videos 88 videos
What do austronauts and Michael Jackson have in common? Watch this video on sentence structure to find out!
Its...or is it it's? Watch this SAT drill to help unravel that age old question.
Cars and dashes. Yes, we're talking dashes not dashboards in this SAT Writing video.
SAT Writing and Language Drill 7.11 Organization 2 Views
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Conclusions. What's effective other than just like writing "The End"? That vital grade-driving final sentence needs to be powerful and loop in the theme or what you're trying to convey in the whole essay. So do it. The end.
- 00:03
Okay Snipers last one in the series of eleven celebrating
- 00:06
neil armstrong and buzz and eagle You know things are
- 00:11
not as plans even be smooth but then looks movement
- 00:14
going Finally after two and a half is he's only
- 00:16
time to go All right Which sense Most effectively concludes
Full Transcript
- 00:22
the essay went last sentence of the whole thing The
- 00:25
long day was done but the eagle was gnome or
- 00:27
rest Um kind of weird No more rest ful What
- 00:32
What is that I'd say they were back in the
- 00:35
eagle Not on tiny cabin noise home him and sound
- 00:37
sound sound kind of legend but that goes no more
- 00:40
rescue Just sounds like a weird phrasing like old timey
- 00:43
british thing that's kind of out of context In the
- 00:46
whole essay here We're trying to make you sensitive to
- 00:48
these little subtle things because well that's basically what you're
- 00:51
being tested on All right Well the essay starts with
- 00:54
sleep mentions sleep a couple of times in the middle
- 00:57
and even has a title that instant the idea of
- 01:00
sleep or lack thereof on that's a bad thing a
- 01:04
sleep reference is therefore a nice and tidy way to
- 01:07
circular early include the passage it's also a way to
- 01:11
signal that the narrative has ended The astronauts will finally
- 01:15
reach that elusive goal of sleeping right like four weddings
- 01:18
and a funeral he always one end in a funeral
- 01:21
and a death and or a birthright That's how movies
- 01:23
work well so that's it so it's deep it was
- 01:26
time to go home to earth for a good night's
- 01:29
sleep Yeah that sounds reasonable It's the end All right
- 01:33
Loserville one's ending with a sleepless eagle leaves the narrative
- 01:36
open It also leaves the astronauts still in space Now
- 01:39
if you're doing this is a movie you would end
- 01:41
with a of course because it leaves it open for
- 01:43
a sequel When the alien grabs this ship and says
- 01:46
in space no one can hear you scream and then
- 01:48
everyone screams right Well for the story to be complete
- 01:51
we need to know even indirectly that well the astronauts
- 01:54
will return to earth and that they will sleep for
- 01:57
chance to dream eerie sunlight in the here has similar
- 02:00
unfinished effect on the narrative talking about the astronauts duty
- 02:04
in a paragraph about a restless journey back to earth
- 02:08
comes out of nowhere Plus we were never told what
- 02:11
their duty was in the first place No it's not 00:02:14.423 --> [endTime] that kind of duty
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