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SAT Writing Videos 88 videos
What do austronauts and Michael Jackson have in common? Watch this video on sentence structure to find out!
Its...or is it it's? Watch this SAT drill to help unravel that age old question.
Cars and dashes. Yes, we're talking dashes not dashboards in this SAT Writing video.
SAT Writing and Language Drill 3.6 Conventions of Usage 3 Views
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Affect or effect? It can be so confusing but this SAT Writing video is here to help you out.
- 00:03
All right Shh Shmoop uppers six of eleven here and
- 00:06
this one's kind of a gimme least it's a giving
- 00:08
if you know the diff between affect and effect So
- 00:13
we gotta change this one But first we're going to
- 00:15
do the reading of the ceremonial paragraph here down here
Full Transcript
- 00:19
and i got all the wrangling but a lot of
- 00:20
their sentence the thermal conductivity the nature of how effectively
- 00:22
wrong he can be transferred across a medium of water
- 00:24
is approximately three times out of here Okay so this
- 00:26
is not affecting something This is how effectively it can
- 00:30
do something So if you know the delta or the
- 00:33
difference between effective and effective well you kind of get
- 00:36
a free point here The parenthetical where this word appears
- 00:38
to find thermal conductivity is a measure of how he'd
- 00:41
is transferred next sentence tells us waters thermal conductivity is
- 00:44
thirty times more than ares What we're learning here is
- 00:46
that one medium water transfers heat more successfully than the
- 00:50
other air The best choice that is a synonym for
- 00:53
successfully effectively got it with an e there it's easy
- 00:57
to confuse affect and effect especially since the difference changes
- 01:01
Slightly in their adverb eel forms there as verbs effect
- 01:04
means to set in motion or to cause to happen
- 01:07
while affect means to alter or change something Okay very
- 01:11
important to know that you probably get asked that sometime
- 01:14
in your life what way cooler you know the answer
- 01:16
that so affect can also refer to emotion which is
- 01:20
the case when we use it in its adverb form
- 01:22
affect ihe vly last week Check eat is not terribly
- 01:25
emotional though affect of lee is the wrong adverb we
- 01:29
still need an adverb since it's modifying the verb transferred
- 01:32
effective is an adjective so it's a of no use
- 01:36
to us here on our last option takes the past
- 01:38
participle affected and turns it into an adverb affected lee
- 01:42
which means in a showy and pretentious manner Heat is
- 01:45
not emotional and it's not showing unless we're talking about 00:01:48.381 --> [endTime] the miami heat on that's All ah
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