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SAT Writing Videos 88 videos
What do austronauts and Michael Jackson have in common? Watch this video on sentence structure to find out!
Its...or is it it's? Watch this SAT drill to help unravel that age old question.
Cars and dashes. Yes, we're talking dashes not dashboards in this SAT Writing video.
SAT Writing & Language: Does This Sentence Support the Essay Topic? 7 Views
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This SAT Writing videos goes over when to keep or ditch an extra sentence.
- 00:03
all right shmoopers moving on to question
- 00:05
four of eleven here in this fine article
- 00:08
about energy and materials and carbon
- 00:10
fiber and stuff here we go...[person talking fast]
- 00:20
paragraph focuses on large-scale
Full Transcript
- 00:22
manufacturing and recycling of advanced
- 00:25
composite materials so it's not really
- 00:27
geared toward the everyday American
- 00:28
bringing up public outreach and
- 00:30
education mid paragraph it's kind of [list of distractions appear]
- 00:33
distracting right it distracts from the
- 00:34
manufacturing focus here it's written
- 00:36
for pros by pros in pros we do that's
- 00:39
clever though the sense mentions the
- 00:41
importance of recycling advanced
- 00:42
composites a right there it's referring [woman sitting by campfire]
- 00:45
to production not public service
- 00:47
announcements about conservation and no
- 00:49
smoking in don't like the forests on [smokey the bear appears]
- 00:51
fire giving examples of what the
- 00:53
Institute's up to is well and good but
- 00:55
it doesn't fit right smack in the middle
- 00:57
of a paragraph that's focused on
- 00:58
manufacturing we all like eco-friendly
- 01:01
materials but expanding on this sentence
- 01:03
would make it more of an interruption
- 01:04
well then it already is so the answer is
- 01:06
D delete it because it well it kind of
- 01:09
strays from the focus there so keep that [binoculars focus on smokey the bear]
- 01:11
thing in focus
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